Aliv seeds are rinsed and soaked in milk; after adding grated fresh coconut and jaggery, the mixture is simmered until somewhat dry. After cooling, ground cardamom is mixed in before shaping the mixture into small balls - makes 11-12 laadoos/laddoos.
Mortar and pestle, or small electric grinder - to powder the cardamom seeds; if not available, see Recipe Notes for alternate directions
1/4cupAliv seedsalso called Cress, Aserio, Asario, Halim, Halon; needs to be inspected very carefully for tiny stones, grit, which can be tedious and time-consuming
3/8cup milkwhole milk preferred; if vegan, may replace with preferred dairy-free milk
1cupfresh Grated coconut frozen, thawed OK
3/4cupjaggery - chopped or powderedalso called Gud ("g-oo-d"), Gool; powdered form also called Punjabi Shakkar; if not available, can use medium brown sugar, but the taste will be a bit different
1/4tspgreen cardamom - freshly ground"old" cardamom powder does not have much flavor
Check cress seeds for small stones, etc; small black round seeds are often found in cress as a contaminant
Place in a fine strainer and rinse seeds under running tap water, scrubbing and separating the clumps while rinsing. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.
Heat the milk to almost boiling (about 30-40 seconds in the microwave) and add to the Aliv seeds.
Stir to break up clumps and set aside for about an hour. The milk gets absorbed fully as the seeds swell, forming a mucilaginous coating.
Add coconut and jaggery to the milk-soaked Aliv seeds and mix - it becomes a bit watery.
Transfer the mixture to a wide bottomed pan; cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, for about 2 minCover the pan, reduce the heat to low and simmer about 10 min, stirring every few minutes to prevent burning on the bottom. the Aliv and coconut will look "cooked".
Remove cover, stir fry for another 2-3 min, until the mixture looks a bit dry.
Remove from heat and set aside to cool- uncovered, about 20 min;
While the mixture is cooling, peel cardamoms and pound in a mortar and pestle to make a coarse powder.
Add cardamom powder to the mixture, mix well and measure out scant 2 tbsp portions; shape each portion into a tight small balls - the ladoos. Makes 11-12 small-med Ladoos.
Ready to serve immediately, maybe accompanied by a cup of coffee/tea
Place in a wide, shallow lidded container. Store in the refrigerator. Bring to room temperature if serving refrigerated ladoos.
Frozen grated coconut:If using frozen grated coconut, thaw to room temp for about 15min; or microwave on medium setting for about 1 min, then set aside for 3-4 min)To grind cardamom seeds:If a grinder or mortar and pestle is not available:
place the seeds on a sturdy paper towel;
fold the paper over the seeds to make an envelope shaped packet;
place the packet flat on a sturdy surface, and roll firmly with a rolling pin to crush the seeds.
If need be, pound with the ends of the rolling pin.
carefully open the packet and collect the coarsely ground powder
To store the ladoos:Place the ladoos in a single layer in a shallow lidded container. Do not stack. Store in the refrigerator; will keep for 4-5 days. Bring to room temp before serving.(Because of the fresh coconut, it must be refrigerated - it will spoil much faster if left on the counter, but is perfectly OK to leave on the counter for 1-2 days)